BRIGHT PEI Consulting wishes you and all your beloved joyful holidays and a New Year filled with happiness! In the past three years, BRIGHT PEI Consulting has completed our “Three Year Three A” project.
We have sent “A” group of outstanding talents to China.
We have helped “A” troop of excellent talents obtained jobs and work in the United States.
We have assisted and incubated “A” bunch of startups and small businesses growing vigorously in the greater Chicago area.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
在2019年圣诞节新年来临之际,明佩咨询在此谨祝您和您的所有亲人圣诞和新年快乐幸福,万事大吉! 在过去的三年里,明佩咨询成功实现了创业伊始的“三个一工程”战略计划: